Snakemake pipeline to map DNA datasets to a given reference genome using BWA MEM and Samtools.

depends snakemake

Snakemake pipeline to map DNA datasets to a given reference genome using BWA MEM and Samtools.
Input datsets are fastq files gzipped. Can be organized in multiple units for each sample or also only one unit per sample; in the last case, file will be copied.
Output can be produced in BAM or CRAM (default) format.


Dima dag


The pipeline’s requirements are specified into the environment.yaml file and packages dependency are resolved using Conda.


Manual deployment (a.k.a. hard way)

Clone the repository and cd in it

git clone
cd dima

Edit the configuration file and the Snakefile to match your environment

nano config.yaml   
nano Snakefile

Create conda environment

conda env create -n dima --file environment.yaml

then activate it

source activate dima

Launch Snakemake

snakemake --use-conda --configfile config.yaml

Automatic deployment (a.k.a. easy way)

Use Solida.


Default output of the pipeline in CRAM format, but can changed easily in BAM editing the Snakefile (look for OUTPUT_FORMAT variable)


Contributions from everyone and anyone are welcome.
Fork this repository, make your changes and create a Pull Request. Then one of the maintainers will review your changes.
When all comments have been addressed and all tests pass, your changes will be merged.
