Container Docker application that facilitate the solida usage, via a friendly GUI

depends docker-compose


Container Docker application that facilitate the reproducibility and portability of NGS pipelines. It can easily organize the deployment, the data management and the execution of a Snakemake based workflow

solida-gui container include:

  • solida: Python command-line tool
  • Graphical User Iterface developed in Django


You need docker-engine and docker-compose
See docker-compose docs

For deploying in remote host see ssh-keygen

Quick start

Create the workdir tree:

mkdir ~/solida-core             # root path 
mkdir ~/solida-core/config      # path for configuration files
mkdir ~/solida-core/projects    # path where deploying projects in localhost
mkdir ~/solida-core/profiles    # path where storing profiles in localhost
mkdir ~/solida-core/.tmp        # path where storing temporary files 

You can change these paths as you prefer, but remember to modify docker-compose.yaml file accordly

     - ~/solida-core/projects:/root/projects
     - ~/solida-core/.tmp:/root/.tmp
     - ~/solida-core/profiles:/root/.local/share/solida/
     - ~/solida-core/config:/root/.config/solida

Clone the repository:

git clone

Cd into the docker directory:

cd solida-gui

Bring up the containers:

docker-compose up

Point your browser to:
